The Program

Don’t waste your vote on the rightwing parties!

Working people will only have freedom and democracy through thoughtful, rigorous planning. Demand the essentials of life! End the climate crisis! Tax the rich! No more war!

Full political rights for all of us!

    • Publicly funded well located comfortable affordable housing and rent controls 

    • Regulated food, transportation and telecommunications prices

    • Fully funded democratically managed public services free to all

    • End corporate welfare and tax breaks for the wealthy

    • Create more vacation time for working families; enact the yearly 8-week holiday for all

  • Full Political Rights For All!

    • Self determination and reparations for Indigenous peoples which fully recognises their inherent right to share in the benefits and management of the land and resources in British Columbia

    • Right to full employment based on meaningful work, decent wages and safe, just working conditions

    • Democratically directed public ownership of all natural resources and the industries that spring from them as well as the banking, transportation, communication and insurance sectors

    • Establish a provincial initiative to work with other provinces to demand our federal government end existing military alliances, work for policies to build international solidarity and cut back on all aggressive military spending

    • Redirect our military spending to our needs and build a peaceful civil defense force to assist with disaster and pandemic


Public democratic management of all resource use will bestow the means to fight climate catastrophe, protect our environment and create thousands of beneficial jobs

  • Housing for people not for profit

  • Lifelong public education for all including free childcare, K-12, university and trades training

  • Fully funded free accessible health care services and quality public elder care

  • Expanded and renewed infrastructure through public works for schools, hospitals, mental health facilities and addiction clinics as well as improvements in transportation throughout British Columbia